Wednesday, July 20, 2005

How "Much" Can One "Love"?

Love is a strange feeling. Love is an emotion you feel, yet it is also a decision you make of allowing yourself to trust and bind yourself to someone. I sometimes don't want to love. I have been so hurt by so many people, entrusting my heart to them - only to be let down. I try and stand back for that distant run. Is that not crazy? But you see, it hurts to love sometimes. I know, believe me. I get scared to death of loving someone and then falling, trying to pick myself up. I get so disgusted with myself for allowing it to happen. I know in relationships you need love. You need love to go on in life. "Jesus" is the only real picture of true love. What a sacrifice He gave to us to show us unconditional love. I can hardly wait to see Him one day. It too is sometimes hard to fathome all that Jesus gives and gave me. I wallow in my own "Self" pity sometimes. It is a "Self" problem. I think of only "Self". I need to be more devoted to reading my Bible...more than I do. I just have that desire to be more than I am, more than probably I can be. I am not satisified until "I do"...instead of letting God be my guide. I think I have to "do"...and not let "Him" do. I guess what I am trying to say is...Love is a hard thing to do, but when you do Love...don't play games, Love like there is no tomorrow, and if you really want to know "REAL LOVE"...give your heart to Jesus and He will show you that "REAL LOVE".


Anonymous said...

i so agree with you. God bless! c",)

can i link your blog to mine?

Karen A. Castevens said... may!!! I don't know why...I ramble on and on...and your site is wonderful....Thank you.

Corry said...

Wow Karen, very perceptive and to the point. It is true, love is not just about feelings but a choice. Most of the things you write about in this post I have experienced myself (and still am). We need to trust God and have Faith, but not forget to do our part.

God's Grace.

Joe said...

Jesus would not want you to hold back your love. He wants you to love others for their good and for His. When we are not loved in return should we stop showing our love? Would Jesus? I have been hurt badly when my love has not been returned and I have also thought that I would not love and let that happen again. I knew that everybody experienced unreturned love yet not everybody suffered as much as I did. I mistakenly thought it was because they didn't really love the other person or that they had love from somebody else. However, the true reason was that they didn't need the love of the other person in order to love themselves. We can't make others responsible for our happiness. A lack of self-confidence and self-satisfaction can not be replaced with love from another. Such a relationship will be destroyed by the constant demands of one on the other.

The love we receive from another will not long be greater than the love we feel for ourself.

If you aren't satisfied with yourself why should anybody else be. Change what you can change and truly accept what you can't change. Love yourself. Take responsibility for your happiness. Think thoughts that make you smile. Do things that make you laugh. Show love for others without expecting love in return.

Anonymous said...

thank you so much, karen. God bless you more! c",)

tomorrows up to me said...

Great post Karen. Its a challenge in life to keep loving...especially after being hurt repeatedly. I try and remember that loving is something I choose to do, and doesn't depend on what I get back from it! Hope your summer is going well!

Joe said...

Where can I leave my comments on your "Moodicon"??

"Unloved" was sad. "So So" was much better - was it Monday? "Stressed" says your back in step with the rest of us!

Welcome Back!

(is this good news?)